Bodybuilding Food

Bodybuilding Food
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Bodybuilders need food very much, as it is an important factor to inflate muscles along with exercise. Without it, it is difficult to inflate the muscles of the body. The muscles of the human body are made up of bundles containing muscle fibers. The protein is very important in rebuilding the tissues in the body. [3] In addition to the protein, it also needs carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, and vitamins. Each of these nutrients has its usefulness Especially for the improvement of body shape and muscle amplification. [4] Protein Protein is the first nutrient needed by bodybuilders, it is necessary to rebuild muscle tissue after exercise stress. There is a daily requirement of protein for the bodybuilding, and if not received this amount will not inflate the muscles, but will be destroyed if the amount of protein taken very few. [5] The bodybuilding player can get protein from two main sources: food, protein products As a dietary supplement. In food, protein is found high in meat, fish, and dairy products, and one of the best foods containing protein: [6] Tuna. Chicken (especially chicken breast). eggs. Red meat such as beef, calf, and lamb. the milk. Cheese (cheese Quraish). whey. Synthetic protein is usually derived from food mainly, and the most important food derived from protein is whey. [7] Unsaturated fats Bodybuilders use unsaturated fats (M: NSA) to reduce weight. The main source of energy instead of carbohydrates leads to the burning of stored fats in the body, in addition to the fact that unsaturated fats have many health benefits, they are very useful for the heart and circulatory system, and regulate blood sugar. [8] Unsaturated fats are found in the following foods : [9] oils (to be non-fried) such as olive oil. Nuts. Avocado. Carbohydrates prefer bodybuilders to eat carbohydrates with a glycemic index (L: g). These carbohydrates are the least expensive because of their high digestibility. [10] Carbohydrates also stimulate the secretion of insulin in the blood, Of nutrients, thus increasing the muscle's usefulness of food, and swells faster. [11] A useful carbohydrate source for bodybuilders: [12] oatmeal. sweet potato. Brown rice. The beans. Vitamins and minerals Bodybuilders benefit from the benefits of vitamins and minerals. Due to their exhausting exercises and injuries to various body parts, bodybuilders enter minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin D, into their diet to accelerate the healing of such infections, Muscle injuries, [13] as well as being important for the immune system and bone and muscle strength. [14] Bodybuilders benefit from various types of vitamins and minerals, most notably calcium, vitamin D, potassium, China, [15] and can be obtained from food or through dietary supplement products, [16] and are found frequently in the following foods: [17] fruits. Vegetables. Nuts. Herbs. Water Water is essential not only for bodybuilders, but for all, everyone must drink enough water a day to ensure a healthy and healthy body. Drinking plenty of water (in batches) helps stimulate metabolism in the body, [18] That water supplies the body with sufficient energy in the day, [19] and that water is necessary for the cells of the body, which is necessary for the health of the brain. [20] Bodybuilders drink large quantities of water, because it stimulates metabolism, it helps to amplify the muscles, The only case in which bodybuilders reduce their drinking water In the final periods before the competition, to dry their bodies, which makes the muscle more prominent and clear when they come to the theater review. [21] Food programs for bodybuilders Dietary programs for bodybuilders in general contain high proportions of protein, in addition to containing sources of energy , But any diet differs from another program depending on the target. The bodybuilding player who wants to amplify his body needs more carbohydrate than those who want to dry. [22] The perfect bodybuilder who wants to lose weight and burn fat needs a sleeve (Eg, oatmeal and milk is an example of a good breakfast), and protein (such as boiled eggs), low-carb diets, and relatively high amounts of useful fats (such as unrefined oils and nuts). [23] ), 24 and then a lunch containing chicken breast, to begin the exercise after lunch two hours, to extend the body energy, and food needs about 4 hours to digest, [25] the body can benefit from the protein that contains this food after Finish the exercise, where the The meal is about to be fully digested, and it is preferable to drink one industrial protein scoop after exercise directly, to feed the tired body muscles of the exercise, [26] The meal after eating the exercise is preferred to contain high amounts of protein Or tuna good meal
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