Bodybuilding is one of the most important and popular sports in the world. It has many advantages to improve the shape and health of the body. The youth are the most enthusiastic and enthusiastic. This sport is one of the most difficult sports; it requires patience and the ability to perform a high physical effort, and to do it must have a goal to achieve and reach it, and a place to practice exercises such as gymnasium, and for help and the possible benefit of them must go to the trainers and look at their experiences .
Tips Before Starting Bodybuilding Exercises
Before you begin bodybuilding exercises, you should pay attention to a number of things, such as: follow a healthy diet with an integrated nutritional and protein-rich amount to increase muscle mass and ensure healthy nutrition, and increase the amount of calories consumed to cover the needs of the body during a physical effort . Some warm-up exercises should be done regularly and daily, such as fast walking, jogging, self-stretching exercises, and cardio exercises that stimulate and regulate the heartbeat. Keep in mind that bodybuilding exercises are practiced gradually and continuously; this is in order to maintain muscle integrity and ensure healthy and healthy growth.
Bodybuilding exercises
There are many different bodybuilding exercises and each of these exercises contribute to the movement and strengthening of a particular muscle of the body muscles, and these exercises exercises chest and tripeps, and exercises shoulders, back, and baysps, and exercises weights, abdomen and legs, and other different exercises, we will mention here some of these exercises Detailed:
Weight Exercises or Set Routes
The aim of this exercise is to increase the growth of muscles in a healthy and healthy manner, and the player to do it by choosing the appropriate weight and raise it and count the number ten before downloading, and here the player must choose the weight less heavy and feel the effort to do to the heaviest gradually; Harm and damage the muscles and growth properly, and repeat this exercise for at least half an hour.
shoulders exercises
The aim is to strengthen the shoulder muscles, through the player to bend his body and lifting weights from the shoulders to the top and from the front to one side, and can perform this exercise in the position of sitting or standing on both and get the muscles of the shoulder healthy and strong.
Chest exercises
The player lies here on the ground and raises the weights with both hands on the rotation, and this exercise must be done continuously to build and strengthen the chest muscle.
The player lies on the abdomen in a straight way and then begins to raise his body on his hands and head of the feet, and then fall and rise on this situation, and this exercise is gradually repeated when the body used to it. Keep doing these and other exercises every week under the supervision of a specialist to ensure proper growth of the muscles of the body, and do not forget to take a day to rest to maintain your health.
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